what to post on a child care fb page

Is your business organisation Facebook page regularly updated and maintained with interesting and useful information for your customers? Exercise you know how to take reward of all the new features that Facebook pages for lawn businesses has – and are you fix?

If non, you're missing out on a huge lawn care marketing opportunity using social media, and giving your competitors an easy – and huge- advantage.

But how do you even make a Facebook page, if you haven't already? And how practice yous keep it maintained and updated? Non just with posts, but so that you actually get noticed?

It may seem easy at first but truthfully, creating a Facebook folio for your business that truly stands out among the millions that are out at that place can be a time-consuming and dull procedure. And information technology tin can all go a fiddling confusing afterward a little while, too equally it is dissimilar from traditional landscaper SEO

This mail is here to guide you through non but creating a Facebook folio, but highlighting each feature and showing you how to make the most out of each and every ane.

Inside you'll detect not just a link to creating a folio, but the actual process of doing it – step by step.

Once your folio is all prepare, we'll make sure you take the tools to keep it going, also.

With the "Best Business Practices" that you'll notice at the end of this report, you'll have enough to get your folio going, proceed it going, and soon make information technology so that yours is one of the peak nigh-visited pages on the entire social network.

 Creating a Landscape Business Facebook Folio

Two of the biggest problems backyard service business owners face up when they consider creating a Facebook page for their business:

a) They don't recollect it will make a huge difference in their bottom line, and

b) Facebook is always changing, and they don't retrieve they accept fourth dimension to continually brand changes to go with the updates.

While the 2d problem i is a legitimate one (and i nosotros'll bargain with momentarily,) overcoming the problem of simply not knowing is an piece of cake one.

Facebook is changing the style people exercise business – it's as elementary equally that.

Even business owners that have no interest in beingness on Facebook, LinkedIn, Square or having a page, do and then because they know that's where their customers are, and that's what's going to requite them an edge over their competitors – which could be you!

In order to get over the hurdle in your mind that Facebook simply doesn't bear any importance on your business, consider these facts:

  • Facebook has more than one billion users as of 2016.
  • I out of every 13 people on the planet is on Facebook.
  • More than than 71% of Americans use Facebook.
  • About 50% of Facebook users logon to the website at least once a twenty-four hour period.
  • Facebook has become the number one choice of social networks.
  • The average Facebook user spends more than than 13.5 minutes each day on the website.
  • Virtually 48% of Facebook users aged 18-34 check their Facebook page as shortly as they wake up.
  • Over 1/3 of professional marketers phone call Facebook "critical" or "important" to their business concern.

Go the thought that Facebook is important, and that it's 1 of the best ways to accomplish a huge audition in a very short corporeality of time? That still doesn't do you lot much good if you lot think that you don't have the time or the capabilities to do it.

The process of actually creating a Facebook page for your business is very easy and in total takes about five minutes (ten if you lot really hem and haw well-nigh it.)

Simply actually maintaining it, and keeping up with the different changes Facebook is e'er making? That can exist a little tougher.

And while most business organization owners have the power to research each change, and find out how to all-time use it to their advantage, still many more discover information technology much more than beneficial to hire a marketing consultant to practice it for them.

This in itself is a very piece of cake process, and y'all'll detect questions at the end of the report that volition make it even easier.

For now, let's look at what y'all need before you even log on to Facebook, or even first creating your page.

Before You lot Brainstorm Your Lawn Intendance Business organization Page

One of the biggest benefits that comes from creating and owning a Facebook page is that you don't really need that much to become started.

Facebook pages are complimentary to businesses so unless you want to do additional advertising on Facebook, you won't even demand your credit card!

Still, it's always good to be prepared and you may want to arm yourself with a few things earlier y'all set about building your page.

A personal profile page

Your personal contour page has cipher to practise with your business organisation' Facebook page. You can place a link to the landscape company page on your own personal page if you'd like, but that is it.

This is not the place to promote, sell, or market your business organisation; and Facebook may even ban you from the site if you lot exercise.

And then why accept a personal profile page at all? It's of import to accept this before you create your business' page, particularly if you're not familiar with Facebook, so you lot tin can get used to all the different features and know what'southward available. Plus, once your business concern' page is upwards and running, visitors might desire to cheque out your own profile page – and that kind of interaction between the two pages is definitely okay!

Two photos or images

With the new Facebook pages that include the Timeline, instead of having just one moving picture displayed, yous go 2!

Along with the standard contour picture that Facebook has had since Day Ane, y'all at present also get a cover photo. This photo is much larger than your contour motion picture and looks very similar to a banner advert displayed beyond the top of your page.

But to be very articulate – this is not to be used as ad space!

Facebook is very articulate about that and placing any kind of advertizing or promotion here is sure to get you booted from Facebook.

Nosotros'll get into the specifics afterwards on when discussing the step-by-step process of setting up your page, but do make sure that you have ii general photos in listen. It can exist discouraging to exist extremely motivated to create your page, only to find out that y'all can't discover 2 photos that you want to use.

A vision, theme, or idea for your lawn care business folio

Just every bit it can be frustrating to exist gear up to create your page and be left with no photos, information technology can be as frustrating to be left staring at a white screen because you don't know what you want to say.

Go into your Facebook page creation process with a clear vision or idea in mind of what you lot want information technology to expect like, what you want information technology to say, what links you want to display, what videos and pictures y'all want to share, and what the principal theme or topics of your posts will be.

Not knowing this ahead of time can make for a very disruptive page or worse, one that'due south boring with little on it – and one that doesn't get many visitors.

Whether information technology's based around the products you lot sell, giving helpful information to customers, or helping people in their daily livedue south, know what you want to do with your folio and it will exist much easier to create.

Core Framework

Once you're armed with the few things yous'll need beforehand, information technology's time to go started and create your Facebook folio.

Hither's the step-by-step plan that volition not only accept your Facebook going live in merely a few minutes, just that will also help you take the fullest advantage of all the benefits the new Facebook page with Timeline has to offer.

Kickoff Steps

Visit world wide web.facebook.com/pages and click on the push that says "Create Page."

Y'all tin can find this in the upper correct hand corner. This volition take you to the side by side folio where you lot'll need to choose a category for your page.

Currently the 6 categories you tin choose from are:

  • Local business organization or identify
  • Company, organization, or institution
  • Brand or product
  • Artist, brand, or public figure
  • Entertainment
  • Cause or community.

After making your selection you lot'll and then be taken to another page that will inquire you for some very basic contact information about your folio.

Once you lot've filled in your proper name, accost, and phone number; too equally agreed to Facebook's terms of service, it's fourth dimension to really brainstorm.

Select your cover photo

Cover photos are one of the biggest benefits that the new format for Facebook pages brings.

Instead of having the photograph strip (in the sometime format,) which constantly changed pictures every fourth dimension you uploaded new ones or your fans did, the encompass photo remains static and does not modify unless you intentionally change it.

Luckily, you already accept your perfect cover photograph in hand; just there are still a few tips you'll want to follow to brand certain you lot're realizing its fullest potential and that you don't get banned from Facebook.

  • Again, make very certain that your cover photo does not contain any promotional cloth. This means no arrows pointing to the "Like" push button; no 'twoscore% off!!' banners, and nix that encourages visitors to use yous or your business. Contact information, URLs, phone numbers and addresses are also out, and so tread carefully. To make sure that you lot're post-obit all of the guidelines, bank check out all of Facebook'due south rules for cover photos here: https://www.facebook.com/help?faq=%20276329115767498.
  • Try to use an image size of 851 pixels 10 315 pixels. Your photograph doesn't have to be this exact size, as Facebook will crop information technology anyhow; merely the closer you lot get to that image size, the less your epitome will be stretched – something that may make it expect very different than you intended.
  • Use a very loftier-quality photograph. Recall, this epitome is very large and if you choose a photo that'southward of poor quality, the whole picture will look grainy and out of focus.
  • Don't include any important data or images in the lesser left-hand corner of the photo. This expanse is going to be covered by your profile picture.
  • Once y'all've positioned your encompass photo where y'all like it, simply click on the infinite and information technology will automatically fit into that infinite for you. You can then reposition it, pulling 1 side out of the moving-picture show altogether if y'all choose, by simply dragging the motion picture to the desired spot.
  • Editing your cover photo is like shooting fish in a barrel. Simply hover over it with your mouse until "Edit comprehend photo" appears. In that location you'll be able to choose from past photos you've placed on Facebook, taking a new photo, or uploading one from your calculator. Your embrace photograph should exist changed regularly, and you should try to exist creative when using it!

Contour Picture

Typically you want your contour motion-picture show to remain fairly static.

A business logo or picture of the sign outside of the office is often a good choice. When y'all starting time create your page, after you've chosen the categories and filled in the bones information, your profile page will be displayed as a blank square.

Hover over it and "Edit contour picture" will appear.

Click on that and you'll have the same choices as yous did with the cover photo: to choose from past photos, accept a photograph, upload a photo, remove the photo, or edit the thumbnail.

This process should only take a few seconds but again, at that place are some tips you want to continue in listen when doing so:

  • The profile film will be 180 pixels x 180 pixels when it is displayed on the site.
  • Cull wisely – this won't merely appear on your page, only also any posts you lot comment on or any other activity you participate in while on Facebook and logged in nether your page's name.

Fill in the About section

The About section is not a new section in Facebook, only one that has inverse and that you might want to update.

When yous look at the About section on a Facebook folio, information technology can no longer exist viewed in paragraph form, going on for as long as the owner of the page would similar. Instead, information technology'southward now limited to just a few lines and so explain fully what your business organisation and page does and definitely include a link to your websitebut that's information technology.

Organize apps

With the new layout for Facebook pages y'all'll find different apps for your photos, videos and the similar located at the acme of the folio, instead of along the left-hand side as they used to be.

Equally an admin you'll exist able to choose which apps are found first, in the priority of how of import they are to you and your customers. Y'all can have a total of 12 apps only they likely won't all be displayed up pinnacle. Instead, visitors to your page tin can choose from a drop-down carte du jour to see all of your apps.

Instead of simply list out different apps though and prioritizing them, yous can employ this surface area to benefit the entire folio.

Livestrong's Facebook folio (https://www.facebook.com/livestrong) is one of the best examples of how to use the apps that are displayed in the page'south overall theme and expect of the site. To have your apps appear this style, you can change the images shown for each app past going to the Admin Console and clicking on "Manage;" from in that location get to "Edit Page" to make the changes.

Set some Milestones

With the new layout you lot can set up "Milestones" on your Timeline.

These Milestones volition be flagged on your Timeline and will appear just every bit the highlighted items do.

To create a Milestone you must first establish the day your concern, company, or arrangement was started, established, or launched. Then you can but click on "Outcome Milestone" at the meridian of the folio (where you would typically post a status) and choose "Milestone" from the options given.

It's also in this area that you lot can choose to mail service a question or an event. In one case you've selected milestone you tin then upload a photo or a video to proceed with the issue and once you hit "Save" it will appear on your Timeline. Images for milestones are set at 843 pixels 10 403 pixels.

Use milestones to show major events for your visitor, and to highlight major Facebook events for your company – such every bit when you achieve 100,000 Likes!

Star, Hide and Pin

Ane of the best features in the new Facebook layout for pages is that the owner of the folio has much more control over what's shown, and how long information technology'due south shown for, in the Timeline.

It used to be that all you could exercise was post to your folio. If you didn't post for a long time, that post would withal exist the concluding one upwardly. If you posted about a huge auction you wanted customers to know virtually, and then kept posting regularly after that, the sale post would soon get lost and go off the page entirely. Y'all would have to go on manually reposting the aforementioned post if y'all really wanted to achieve a big audience.

Now though, with the Timeline, you have total control over how long a post stays upward, or if it stays up at all.

Hover over whatever post forth the Timeline you lot'll see two icons appear – a star and a pencil. Click on the star icon and that post will exist highlighted. When that happens, the post volition widen itself across the superlative of the screen, and on top of the other posts, while those posts under information technology remain their regular size. This "highlights" the post by making it i of the main features on the page. This can help you really draw attending to something yous think is of particular importance. If yous click on the pencil icon, you'll have a few more options.

The pencil icon is the tool you use if you lot desire to: pin it, change the date, hide from the page, delete it, or report the mail service as spam.

Pinning the post allows you to place any post yous want at the top of the folio, where it will remain for seven days, if you lot choose. This allows y'all to write a postal service about that auction and keep information technology upward all week long – so that anyone who visits your page any time within that vii days will see information technology. This is one of the biggest and best new features of the new Facebook Timeline!

Clicking on the star icon will also give you the pick to delete the mail service or report the post as spam as well. This latter pick you'll of course just use on a post written past someone other than yourself or whatever other admin; just you might want to delete your own mail if it'southward no longer relevant, or if you made a mistake and didn't correct information technology earlier publishing it.

Tour around the Admin Panel

The admin panel isn't necessarily a new feature to Facebook pages, but it does have some new features that Facebook page owners are bound to be interested in. From the Admin Panel you can respond to comments, brand changes to the layout of your page, create ads, and access Page Insights.

When you click on "Edit Page" at the elevation of your page, you'll exist able to update the information on the site; manage permissions such as who can see the folio, your blocklist, your profanity blocklist, or you can delete the page entirely.

As well in "Edit Page" y'all'll be able to alter and add together admin roles, manage notifications, see a list of banned users, or use Facebook every bit your page, which will bear witness your folio on all of your comments, posts, and other activity – even when information technology's done through your personal profile folio.

Information technology's also in your Admin Panel that you can create ads and promote your page; and y'all tin can exercise this by clicking on "Build Audience", located abreast "Edit Page" at the acme of the page. From there yous'll be able to choose from a drib-down bill of fare whether you want to invite contacts from your electronic mail list, invite friends, share the page, or create an advertizement.

Folio Insights will give you lot a full breakdown of the Facebook analytics for your page, such as how many visitors you lot had in the past calendar week, how many people are talking about you, and how much overall interaction there is with your page on Facebook. Through the Admin Panel, you lot can even change the name of your page if you'd similar.

Enable messages

Some other one of the biggest changes to Facebook pages is the ability to enable private messages. It used to be that if someone wanted to contact you lot through your folio, they had to post information technology on the wall and it was fair game for all to see. Now with the new layout though, people tin send administrators private messages, viewable by the admin only.

This is a huge benefit to businesses as customers can now contact companies virtually problems and concerns, without airing it out for everyone to hear.

You should never disable these messages, as it's substantially cutting off another form of communication between y'all and your visitors. If y'all mistakenly do though, y'all can plow enable them again by going to the Admin Panel, clicking on "Manage" then "Edit Folio", and the "Manage Permissions". It's under this menu that y'all'll detect the "Messages" box, which you tin can uncheck.

Managing the Activeness Log

View, manage, and organize all of your subconscious and public posts within the Activity Log.

Here yous tin look at all the stories posted on your folio – by yourself and others – and you tin even filter them depending on what you desire to look at. Sort them by comments, posts from other users, posts from other admins, pictures, and more. If in that location was action on your folio and you lot desire to manage information technology, the Activeness Log is where you do information technology. Get to it by going to the Admin Panel, clicking on "Manage" and so clicking on "Use Activity Log".

Best Lawn Business concern Page Practices

So you're all fix upwards and yous've even gotten your Facebook page for your business organization looking and feeling exactly how you want. But how do you apply it most finer?

Recent research collected by Buddy Media investigated some of the biggest questions business organization owners had about their Facebook business page: When should they post? How often should they mail? And other questions only like these.

Their findings can be applied to your own folio, and can assistance you determine when and how the best ways are to post onto your Facebook page.

  • The inquiry showed that the all-time times to post were when people were non typically at work. For example- first affair in the forenoon, between the hours of 8pm-7am, on weekends, and on holidays. This is when your fans volition be most likely to comment and "similar" your posts.
  • The inquiry focused on pages that were updated regularly throughout the calendar week, including weekdays and weekends. Wednesday was the very best day to post, with viii per cent higher appointment than whatsoever other day. Sun was 2nd to that, but by a long shot at 4%.
  • As long as the posts are useful information, posting one two times a twenty-four hour period showed a rating of 40 per cent higher user engagement.
  • So 1 or two times a day, but how oftentimes per week should you post? Co-ordinate to Buddy Media, cluttering upwardly your fans' News Feed with a ton of posts throughout the week is non the way to go. The study showed that publishing to your page yields a 71% college user date than pages that had five or more than posts within whatever 1 retail brand.
  • Now y'all know how often, but how long should your posts be? The enquiry showed that the shorter the mail, the sweeter it truly is. Posts that had fewer than 80 characters (not words) received a 66% college user engagement than those that used more than that. Posts that contain merely 1 to 40 characters have the highest user engagement of all at 86%; but only 5% of businesses make their posts this short.
  • Ask questions! The report also showed that question posts receive twice as many comments every bit not-question posts.
  • Make them fill in the blank! The research besides showed that when you ask your visitors to fill in the bare (i.e. "My favorite affair most summer is _____)" people are nine times more probable to annotate on the post and to "like" it.
  • Know your keywords and how to employ them. Facebook is very SEO and keyword-oriented so y'all might need to inquiry which keywords best fit your page and industry and focus on those. The enquiry from Buddy Media showed that for the retail industry the best keywords to employ are "$ off" and "coupon".
  • Proceed information technology simple. Buddy Media says that posts that contain only text have a 94 per cent college user engagement than those that include links, photos, or videos. If using some type of media, be sure to only use one per postal service.

Using a Lawn Care Marketing Consultant

You know how to create your very ain Facebook folio for your mural business, and you lot fifty-fifty know how to effectively use it in one case it's up and running. The just problem is, you don't have the time or the free energy to want to spend time actually doing it. And you lot definitely don't accept the time to keep with Facebook's ever-changing policies and formats.

For this problem in that location's also a solution, and that's to hire a marketing consultant.

While at that place are several things you'll want to ask any business firm or consultant you hire, these are the nigh important when it's time to focus on your Facebook page.

  • How long have you been using Facebook? Why did you outset?

Here you lot're looking for one of the first people to bound onto the Facebook bandwagon. You want to know that they understand where Facebook has been, where it's going and most importantly, that they can adapt to all the changes always being made.

Yous also want to know that they didn't create their kickoff contour yesterday in an effort to boost their own business organisation.

  • What do you use your personal Facebook page for?

It's okay if the consultant uses information technology to upload pictures of family events, or even pictures of the political party they attended last weekend. But you also want to know that they are marketing-minded all the way, and they as well use their personal profile folio to advertise their own business organisation.

  • What background do you lot take in social media, other than Facebook?

Any good consultant will tell you there's an unabridged globe out there across Facebook when it comes to social media. By understanding all the sites and all the networks, your consultant will be able to tell yous how to effectively incorporate all of the ones y'all'll be using.

  • Exercise I demand to be on Facebook and every other site?

You are definitely not looking for a resounding "Yes!" here – that would have an entire team of consultants alone. Instead, the consultant should explain which ones are best for yous considering your industry, your business, and what you lot're trying to achieve from your page.

  • How exercise yous measure your own results for your own page?

You want specifics such every bit "My business has improved past Ten amount of dollars…I've gained X amount of new PR opportunities….I've met X corporeality of new people." Whatsoever consultant worth their table salt in social media will be fairly obsessed with it and will know the detail downwards to the exact number. They also won't exist afraid to share it with you; it is afterward all, a huge achievement!

  • What exact results can you promise me?

You're not looking for specific. No one can guarantee that 1,000 more than people are going to "like" your page, or that you lot're going to go 500 more comments per week. Instead your consultant should talk to you nearly dissimilar strategies, the ones that will piece of work all-time for your business, and the results you can expect to have – not that you're guaranteed to have.

  • Can I cutting out my offline marketing now that I'chiliad on Facebook?

Of grade, here y'all're looking for a resounding "No!" Yous tin can't stop all other forms of advertising. Facebook is good, simply it'south not that good. Yet enquire the question so that y'all can get an idea if the consultant is trying to help your business organization, or assist themselves.

  • How much will it cost to fix my Facebook page?

Truthfully, setting up a Facebook page – and only setting up a Facebook page – isn't very difficult, and doesn't have that much time. Because of this, no consultant should exist charging you a fortune to do merely that. Now, running and updating your page on a daily or weekly footing? That's different and it volition cost a piddling more than, but it however shouldn't eat away at your profit margin as well greatly.

  • Accept you written online content before?

This question just needs to be asked if you plan on having the consultant post to your page for you. And of course, if y'all want them to do that, you desire to know that they have a scrap of feel in doing information technology.

  • Volition this prepare the problems my business concern is having?

Practise not brand the fault of marketing on Facebook in order to solve your business' problems – information technology volition only emphasize them rather than solve them. Any consultant that tells you otherwise isn't interested in genuinely helping y'all.


In that location you have it!

There are all the reasons it's so important to accept a Facebook page for your lawn maintenance service, all the means it will improve your business, and all the things you need to do in order to create and maintain one – whether y'all want to do information technology all on your own, or hand off the chore to someone else.

The only thing left to do is for you to log on to Facebook (or create an account, if you lot haven't already, and get started!

Create a page easily and start playing around with all the different options, or start calling around to different marketing consultants to ask questions and notice the ane that's correct for you.

Now that you're armed with the proper tools, there's aught to stop you from tapping into the huge marketing potential that lies right within Facebook!


Source: https://lawncaresucks.com/default/facebook-lawn-care-marketing/

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